I sincerely believe that all of the Bible is about Christ. For those of you who come to our Wednesday night prayer meeting, you have already seen Christ in the book of 1 Samuel. However, on Sunday, October 21, I plan to start a 6 week sermon series called “Gospel Music: Seeing Christ in the Book of Psalms.” As you probably know, many of the Psalms were written by David, who is one of the clearest shadows of Christ in the Old Testament. I can’t wait to show the story of the Gospel through a selection of Psalms.
For some, the idea of Christ-centered interpretation of the Old Testament may be a new concept. In theological circles, this line of thinking is often discussed as “Biblical Theology.” That is, tracing theology in the storyline of the Bible. I believe the way to rightly read Scripture is as one large narrative that begins with Creation, moves on to the Fall of man, chronicles the story of Redemption that climaxes in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and that concludes with the Consummation of all things in Christ. That means that our faith in Christ Jesus that leads to personal salvation is rooted in the big picture of what God is doing through Christ in the entire cosmos.
I hope you will join us on Sunday mornings to learn how the book of Psalms fits into this big picture!