Salt and Light

September 23, 2024 cjordan
Matthew 5:13-16
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A Short Guide to Happiness

September 17, 2024 cjordan
Matthew 5:1-12
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FBC Coffeehouse

September 16, 2024 cjordan
The Lost Art of Lament / September 15, 2024
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A Light Has Dawned

September 9, 2024 cjordan
Matthew 4:12-25
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Bread, Spectacle, Power, Blood

September 4, 2024 cjordan
Matthew 4:1-11
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Out of Egypt I Called My Son

August 19, 2024 cjordan
Matthew 2
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The End of Genealogies

August 12, 2024 cjordan
Matthew 1
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Preach the Word

August 6, 2024 cjordan
Guest sermon on 2 Timothy 4:1-9 delivered by Dr. Charles Smith, President of University of Mobile.
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Consequences of Faith

July 23, 2024 cjordan
Luke 5: 17-26
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So That Others Might Worship Him

July 15, 2024 cjordan
Matthew 28: 16-20
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With Great Joy

July 1, 2024 cjordan
Jude 24-25
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The Mark of a Christian (Church)

July 1, 2024 cjordan
John 13: 34-35
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A Praying Church

June 10, 2024 cjordan
James 5: 13-18
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Centered on the Word

May 30, 2024 cjordan
Colossians 3:12-17
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A Gospel Church

May 20, 2024 cjordan
Acts 2: 1-47
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Restful Homes

May 13, 2024 cjordan
Psalm 127
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Revival Generation

May 6, 2024 cjordan
Acts 19: 11-20
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The Rock of My Salvation

April 26, 2024 cjordan
2 Samuel 22 – 23
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Vengeance Belongs to the Lord

April 26, 2024 cjordan
2 Samuel 21
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The Lion and the Wolf

April 24, 2024 cjordan
2 Samuel 20
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The Resurrection Makes the Good News Good

April 3, 2024 cjordan
1 Corinthians 15:12-26
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The Cross Makes the Good News Good

March 25, 2024 cjordan
Colossians 2: 8 – 15
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The Return of the King

March 5, 2024 cjordan
2 Samuel 19
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Arise, O Lord

February 26, 2024 cjordan
2 Samuel 18
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I Will Not Be Afraid of Many Thousands of People

February 20, 2024 cjordan
Title: “I Will Not be Afraid of Many Thousands of People” Passage: 2 Samuel 17 Sermon Summary: Fear is a prevalent emotion in society today, but the response to fear can reveal the depth of one’s faith in God. Through the narrative of King David’s trial with his son Absalom, the sermon emphasizes the importance
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Before All Israel

February 16, 2024 cjordan
2 Samuel 16
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How Many Are My Foes

February 7, 2024 cjordan
1 Samuel 15
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Set Apart to Serve

January 29, 2024 cjordan
Acts 6:1-7
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The Banished One

January 22, 2024 cjordan
2 Samuel 14
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Evil Out of Your Own House

January 14, 2024 cjordan
2 Samuel 13
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He Disciplines Those He Loves

January 8, 2024 cjordan
2 Samuel 12
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A Song of Glory

December 19, 2023 cjordan
Luke 2:13-15
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Song of Devotion

December 11, 2023 cjordan
Luke 1:67-79
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A Song of Rejoicing

December 5, 2023 cjordan
Luke 1:46-56
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The Table of God

December 1, 2023 cjordan
1 Corinthians 11:17-34
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Everything That Rises

November 14, 2023 cjordan
2 Samuel 10-11
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Dominion and Dynasty

October 31, 2023 cjordan
2 Samuel 7
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Do We Need Revival?

October 16, 2023 cjordan
Psalm 85
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I Have Set My King in Zion

October 10, 2023 cjordan
2 Samuel 5
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Church Outside The Walls 2023

October 2, 2023 cjordan
Romans 1:16-17
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A Righteous King

September 25, 2023 cjordan
2 Samuel 4
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Rough Edges

September 18, 2023 cjordan
2 Samuel 2-3
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How the Mighty Have Fallen

September 11, 2023 cjordan
2 Samuel 1
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Grace Habits: Be Still

September 5, 2023 cjordan
Psalm 46
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Grace Habits: The Opportunity of a Lifetime

August 9, 2023 cjordan
1 Corinthians 2:6-16
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Rest for the Wicked

August 1, 2023 cjordan
Matthew 11:28-30
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Do Not Be Anxious

July 28, 2023 cjordan
Matthew 6:25-34
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Three Witnesses

July 10, 2023 cjordan
1 John 5:5-12
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Love Triumphant

July 5, 2023 cjordan
1 John 4:13 – 5:4
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God is Love

June 27, 2023 cjordan
1 John 4:7-12
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The Sweet Life of Love in Deed

June 6, 2023 cjordan
1 John 3:11-18
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The Precious Grace of Abiding in Christ

May 22, 2023 cjordan
1 John 2:28 – 3:3
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The Big Lie

May 15, 2023 cjordan
1 John 2:18-27
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FBC Coffee House: Created

May 9, 2023 cjordan
Created: Celebrating God’s Good Design For Humas May 7th, 2023
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A Peculiar People

May 9, 2023 cjordan
1 John 2:12-17
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Who Do You Think You're Fooling?

April 24, 2023 cjordan
1 John 1:5 – 2:6
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The Foolishness of Easter

April 10, 2023 cjordan
Acts 17:22-34
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The Foolishness of the Cross

April 3, 2023 cjordan
1 Corinthians 1:18-25
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"No Eye Has Seen"

March 27, 2023 cjordan
Job 28:20-28
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Heavy is the Head

March 13, 2023 cjordan
1 Samuel 30
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Quiet Providence

March 6, 2023 cjordan
1 Samuel 29
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Something Wicked This Way Comes

February 27, 2023 cjordan
1 Samuel 28
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The Distress of Devotion

February 22, 2023 cjordan
1 Samuel 26-27
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The Way of Wisdom

February 14, 2023 cjordan
1 Samuel 25
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The Content of Character

February 8, 2023 cjordan
1 Samuel 24
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Public Enemy No. 1

February 8, 2023 cjordan
1 Samuel 22:6-23:29
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Saul Among the ... Prophets?

January 18, 2023 cjordan
1 Samuel 17
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Ten Feet of Bird Food

January 10, 2023 cjordan
1 Samuel 17
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The Hope of Immanuel

December 19, 2022 cjordan
Revelation 21:1-4
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The Mission of Immanuel

December 13, 2022 cjordan
Matthew 28:16-20
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"The Comfort of Immanuel"

December 5, 2022 lsewell
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
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"The Promise of Immanuel"

November 30, 2022 lsewell
Mathew 1:18-25
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"The Lord's Church: A Thankful People"

November 22, 2022 lsewell
Colossians 3:12-17
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The Lord Looks at the Heart

November 15, 2022 cjordan
1 Samuel 16
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To Obey Is Better Than Sacrifice

November 7, 2022 cjordan
1 Samuel 15
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The Warrior Who Would Be King

October 31, 2022 cjordan
1 Samuel 14
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When God is Not Enough

October 24, 2022 cjordan
1 Samuel 12:1-13:23
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The Father of a Prodigal

October 17, 2022 cjordan
Luke 15:11-32
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