FAQ’s about Breaking Bread Fellowships
- What is Breaking Bread?
- Why do we need it?
- Who is invited?
- When is it?
- How can I get involved?
- How do I sign up?
What is Breaking Bread?
In Acts 2:42 the Apostle Paul briefly paints a picture of the early church in this way “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers”. Later in verse 46 Paul says they were together daily “breaking bread in their homes receiving food with glad and generous hearts.”
Breaking Bread Fellowships are part of our strategy to help build community in our church by gathering small groups together around a shared meal. We will bring together hosts, who provide a place and meal for the gathering, and guests, who provide the fellowship. It’s a simple concept, but one that’s a proven Biblical formula for deepening relationships and enjoying the company of other believers. From the earliest days, the church has gathered in each other’s homes to share a meal and fellowship.
Breaking Bread is not a typical small group ministry where the same people are in the group each time it meets. If you sign up for more than one meeting you will be gathering with different people. This is to ensure you get to meet a wide variety of people. If you would like to get together again with someone from a BBF, you can always do that outside of the ministry. In fact, it would be ideal for the spirit of Breaking Bread to take hold so that fellowship is happening on its own!
Why do we need this?
There are two basic reasons:
Reason 1- We need the fellowship of believers
The need for biblical community, fellowship, is the driving factor behind Breaking Bread. We all need one another in the same way that the parts of a body need each other. The church was designed by God to be equipped and encouraged by it’s own members
Reason 2- We need help connecting with those we may not know that well
You may say, “Building community sounds great, but in real life sometimes it’s hard to make those connections. Everyone is busy these days and it can be a little intimidating trying to plan a get together for people you don’t really know.” Breaking Bread is here to bridge that gap for you and make it easy to connect with people you may not know so well.
Who is invited?
Everyone is welcome to sign up for Breaking Bread Fellowships! Whether you’re new to the church or have been a member for years, and whether you have many close friends or are still building relationships, there’s a place for you at a Breaking Bread Fellowship. We need to connect new members and long-time members, familiar faces and old friends, families with children and our senior adults, singles and newlyweds with older couples… You see where this is going. We need to connect the whole church. Now, even though it may not possible for everyone to have a deep relationships with each other, we can do our best to get to know our church family.
When is it?
When BBFs are active there will be multiple fellowships available for sign-up. Visit the registration link above for more information about the upcoming dates for the Breaking Bread Fellowships. We typically schedule them a month at a time and will take a break between active months.
How can I get involved?
There are two ways you can get involved, and you can do both if you want!
The first way to be involved is to be a Host Home
The job of the host home is to provide Christian hospitality: open your home, prepare or organize a meal, and facilitate fellowship. You don’t have to have the biggest house, be the best cook, or be the most outgoing people. The only things really required are willingness to love and care for others and a desire to see our church members experience godly fellowship. You get to decide how many people and on what days you can host.
The second way to get involved is to be a Guest
Breaking Bread would not be much if we didn’t have any guests to be hosted. You will have the opportunity to sign up for specific days that work for you and your family. You can participate at the level you are comfortable, whether that’s once a year or as often as possible.
How do I sign up?
Getting started is easy. If you are interested in hosting, you may want to first contact Woodie Turner, so you can discuss hosting, and ask questions to see if hosting a BBF is a good fit for you. Depending on how many guests sign up and how many other host homes there are, we may not use every host home. Host and Guests, can register online at fbcgadsden.org/bbfsignup. There are also paper registration forms available in the church office.
Once we have our Host homes and Guests registered we will put together the schedule and inform the Hosts of their Guest list. Guests should receive a personal invitation from their Host home with all the information you need about your BBF! Then all that’s left is to enjoy the fellowship of other believers.